Gravimetric composition as an instrument for the integrated management of urban solid waste in the municipality of Beberibe – CE


  • Tiago de Abreu Lima Mestrando, IFCE, Brasil
  • Anderson Mateus Maurício Lima Graduando, IFCE, Brasil.
  • Oscar Pedreira Aragão Graduado, IFCE, Brasil.
  • Paulo Henrique Silva Coelho Graduado, UVA, Brasil.
  • Francisco Humberto Carvalho Junior Professor Doutor, IFCE, Brasil.



Management, Pollution, Sustainability


The planet is undergoing intense changes, most of which are caused directly and indirectly by human beings. The inadequate disposal of waste can lead to an increase in the production of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), soil pollution, groundwater contamination and the proliferation of vectors. To avoid the expansion or mitigate these environmental impacts, it is necessary to dispose of this waste in an environmentally appropriate manner, along with environmental education policies with a view to the sustainable development of municipalities. The municipality of Beberibe - CE is extremely relevant in this context, this is because it is a relevant city in the economic and tourist context of the state of Ceará, in addition to developing studies for the implementation of a sanitary landfill. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyze the composition of urban solid waste through gravimetry, waste generation, per capita and specific weight, to assist in the implementation of sustainable development in the municipality of Beberibe – CE. Among the results obtained, it was observed that the municipality has a potential for the treatment of waste, both for recycling and composting. Therefore, it is important for the municipality to develop environmental education policies for the population, in addition to encouraging the correct disposal of solid waste.


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How to Cite

Gravimetric composition as an instrument for the integrated management of urban solid waste in the municipality of Beberibe – CE . (2024). Periódico Técnico E Científico Cidades Verdes, 12(37).