Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades <p class="font_8"><strong>ISSN 2318-8472</strong></p> <p class="font_8"><a href=""><strong>ÁREA MÃE </strong>- </a><a href="">Qualis Capes 2017-2020</a></p> <p class="font_8">- <strong>Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design</strong></p> <p>Temos o prazer de informar que a <strong>Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades</strong> obteve o <strong>Qualis A3</strong> -<a href=""> Resultado divulgado 29/12/2022</a></p> <p>A <strong>Revista Nacional de Gestão de Cidades</strong> tem como objetivo divulgar trabalhos científicos, resultado de pesquisas empíricas, experimentais ou conceituais, resultantes de pesquisas de mestrado, doutorado ou afins.</p> <p>Atenção - A partir de 2020 os artigos serão publicados em inglês e português.</p> <p>Não serão aceitos para submissão artigos de autoria ou coautoria de alunos de graduação ou pós-graduação, "todos os autores" devem estar vinculados a programas stricto sensu ou possuir titulação mínima de mestre.</p> pt-BR (Sandra Medina Benini) (Allan Leon Casemiro da Silva) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800 OJS 60 Analysis of environmental health and sustainability of Brazilian municipalities in the Baixo Pardo/Grande River Basin <p>Population growth, the lack of urban planning and poor sanitation infrastructure have persisted in the management of urban space when the core issue is environmental health and the sustainability of municipalities. This paper aimed to evaluate the environmental health and sustainability of the 12 Brazilian municipalities in the Baixo Pardo/Grande (SP) river basin. The exploratory approach and the case study guided the comparative analysis of sustainability through the Sustainable Cities Development Index (100 indicators) and the Brazilian Environmental Health Index (18 indicators) to obtain an integrated classification of these indices on a municipal scale. The analyses highlighted that 100% of studied municipalities reached medium level (score: 51-75) out for health and sustainability, especially to Altair and Orlândia results Bebedouro, Viradouro and Colina require careful monitoring of the following indicators sanitary sewage and vector control, water and socioeconomic resources, and water and socioeconomic resources, respectively. The basic sanitation, health diseases and infant mortality pillars relating to these indices identified seven similar indicators, that is, they measure the same aspects of the analyzes. Then, they were excluded to avoid duplication of data. The least promising results of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were Gender equality (SDG 5), Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), Protect life on Earth (SDG 15) and Partnerships and means of implementation (SDG 17). Finally, the great challenges of the Baixo Pardo Grande River Basin pointed out social, technological and connectivity issues between interinstitutional sectors from a regional perspective.</p> Maria Eugênia Gonçalez Alvares, Katia Sakihama Ventura Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 23 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Analysis of urbanization in the city of Barra do Bugres/MT based on the suppression of vegetated areas using remote sensing <p>With the advent of the implementation of the University of the State of Mato Grosso - UNEMAT in Barra do Bugres - MT, the city began to house the university population, resulting in the suppression of vegetated areas during its process of intense urbanization. Urbanization triggers changes in land use and land cover, thus generating impacts on the relationships between energy cycles on the surface. Thus, the general objective of this research was to analyze the urbanization of Barra do Bugres-MT from the space-time relationship of the surface temperature and the vegetation index (NDVI) through TM (Thematic Mappes) images from the Landsat 5 sensor in the years 1987 and 2010. Analyzing the surface temperature distribution, it was found that the highest values were concentrated in the north and east portions, more densely urbanized portions. The lowest NDVI values were found in the eastern portion, where there is greater urban density. However, the highest NDVI values were found in regions of the western portion, where despite the greater suppression of vegetated areas from 1987 to 2010, lower urban density and greater presence of native vegetation are observed. The use of remote sensing and NDVI proved to be a viable tool for analyzing the urbanization process in Barra do Bugres-MT between the years of study.</p> Natallia Sanches e Souza , Diana Carolina Jesus de Paula , Keylyane Santos da Silva Alves , Jeane Aparecida Rombi de Godoy Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 23 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Smart Cities and Sustainable Urban Mobility: An Analysis of Urban Indicators of Marau/RS <p>The increasing problems related to urban mobility in Brazilian municipalities, caused mainly by uncontrolled urbanization and constant growth in the automotive vehicle fleet, is directly related to the difficulties presented in the public management of Brazilian cities, mainly with regard to urban planning. The objective of this article is to analyze users’ satisfaction of the urban mobility system in a small municipality, as well as the condition of the city's physical characteristics, mainly identifying those that interfere with urban mobility, checking the most used modes in each sector of the city of Marau/RS and the mobility situation by age group and income, finding existing problems in each of the modes. To this end, a documentary survey was carried out on the object of study, a physical survey of the characteristics of the municipality, and a questionnaire with 84 respondents. The results obtained reveal the use of private cars as the main means of daily transport, correlated with low incentives and accessibility to sustainable modes of transport.</p> Eduardo Fernandes Antunes, Amanda Schüler Bertoni, Lauro André Ribeiro, Thaísa Leal da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Sun, 25 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Parallels and challenges between municipal policies and international guidelines for early childhood <p>This paper aims to explore parallels and challenges between municipal policies and international guidelines focused on early childhood, directing its attention towards the development of a comparative analysis. In this regard, the construction of an analytical framework that establishes relationships between the Municipal Plan for Early Childhood of the Municipality of São Paulo (2018-2030) and the global initiative Urban95 by the Bernard Van Leer Foundation guidelines, which addresses the inclusion of the child's perspective in cities. The exploratory research method used involves public administration reports examination, including the plan and its annual assessments. During the research process, key information was extracted focusing on the identification of laws, regulations, action plans, and projects aimed at advancing early childhood care, with the aim of validating and expanding the understanding of the subject. In a context where cities must provide conducive environments for child development, the study seeks to understand how municipal policies align with international guidelines. The results highlight the advances and challenges resulting from inequalities in the city of São Paulo in the scope of attention to early childhood, emphasizing the need for coordinated and interdisciplinary public policies in this agenda.</p> Isabela Grilo Pessoni , Cintia de Castro Marino, Thaísa Leal da Silva , Wilson Levy Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Sun, 25 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Urban morphology of the Medina of Tangier, Morocco: Evidence of the Islamic and Portuguese invasions from the 15th to the 20th centuries <p>This work aims to present aspects of the urbanization process by Arab and Portuguese colonizers in Tangier, an important Moroccan port city, located on the Strait of Gibraltar. By consulting bibliography and cartographic bases in a time frame from the 15th to the 20th centuries, we presented some hypotheses about the permanence of the ancient in current urbanism, identifying the most relevant architectural facts of the Medina of Tangier from the urban morphology point of view. Urban heritage is highlighted, including the urban march, the limits of the walls, the expansion axes, the new centralities, the military architecture, the religious architecture and the squares. Those are changes of use in historic buildings, and memories of European time that “reverberates” in the present. We conclude with a synthesis of the urban elements brought by the colonizers that contributed to its current architectural identity.</p> Eleana Patta Flain, Helena Rodi Neumann, Odirlei Neumann Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Iot device for monitoring the tilt of containment in basket gabions <p>In the present work, an IoT (Internet of Things) electronic device was developed, used, and evaluated to monitor and measure the inclination of a containment structure executed in box gabions. This device collected information from an accelerometer, sending it over the internet to a cloud server, where this data was stored, allowing access to the history of the slope variation. The readings collected by the equipment made it possible to correlate its variations to the executive phases of the containment and to conduct statistical analyses to verify whether the variations captured by the sensor consisted of a possible lack of containment.</p> Anderson Bezerra da Silva, João Alexandre Paschoalin Filho, Joana Paula Machado Ribeiro Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 30 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Alternative materials in civil construction: a comparison between the use of conventional and recyclable materials, bricks and concrete for sustainable constructions <p>Civil construction causes environmental impact, as it consumes natural resources and generates a large amount of solid waste, raising concerns about the survival of future populations. Therefore, there has been a search for sustainable materials, to add non-conventional materials to the mass that forms bricks, blocks, pavements or make up walls in mud constructions, saving cement, sand, lime and stone. This work aims to present the aggregates that have already been experimented, tested, and that can compose the raw material with less disastrous results to the environment. A review was made in the literature, where articles, monographs, dissertations that address the subject were found. From them, a collection of the viability, opportunity and positivity of the use of aggregates was made, bringing a comparative result. The research can be useful as a basic element to guide those who intend to apply such materials, as well as to trigger and subsidize new studies, with new tests and experiments, both of these materials presented, and others that may still arise.</p> Maurício Dias Marques, Vitor Hugo Santana da Silva Quatroque, Rebeca Delatore Simões , Sérgio Silva Braga Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Construction Management in the Amazon: Analysis of Performance Indicators and Impacts of COVID-19 <p>Management failures in public construction projects result in significant resource wastage and delays in social development goals. This research aims to evaluate the management of contracts for public school construction projects using cost, schedule, and scope performance indicators, as well as investigate the influence of the characteristics of the Amazon region and the COVID-19 pandemic on project execution. The methodology involved document analysis of selected samples, describing the projects, geographical locations, contractual changes, and statistical correlation tests. Subsequently, the study surveyed the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the analyzed projects, along with an analysis of performance indicators. The results revealed that all projects experienced cost increases, with an average percentage of 24.36%. Regarding schedule extensions, 92.30% of the projects underwent contractual changes, with an average increase in time of 142.19%. Scope changes were present in all projects, with an average modification percentage of 61.84%. It is believed that this study contributes to a critical analysis of the management of public engineering projects, enabling the identification of problems and improvement opportunities.</p> Henrique Mendes da Rocha Lopes, Alberto Casado Lordsleem Jr. Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Urban occupation and surface runoff in cities: a study case in Piracicaba - SP <p>This study analyzes how uncontrolled human occupation can negatively impact surface runoff conditions in urban environments. For this purpose, the study assesses the correlation between rainfall, Piracicaba River flow and the urban occupation growth regarding the incidence of floods in Piracicaba-SP. To address the research question: Is the increase in flooding caused by the increased population density? The following data was used: flow and precipitation data in the urban perimeter, obtained from the Piracicaba Water and Electricity Department; population and density data from five neighborhoods based on the "Google Earth Pro" software, covering sixteen years of study. The findings indicate that three districts experienced increased flooding, while two other well-established districts did not encounter significant changes in flood frequency.&nbsp;</p> Leonardo da Silva Granziera, Marcius Fabius Henriques de Carvalho , Lia Toledo Moreira Mota, Cláudia Cotrim Pezzuto Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Sustainable urban mobility: brief considerations on plans and practices in Latin American cities <p>This article presents a research excerpt, located in the diverse set of studies on urban mobility, which highlights the importance that new technologies are acquiring in the Latin American context to mitigate the urban and environmental crisis. This debate seeks to expose plans and practices that are being implemented in Buenos Aires (Argentina); Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (Brazil); Santiago (Chile); Bogota (Colombia); San José (Costa Rica); Ciudad de Mexico, Guadalajara and Leon (Mexico); Lima (Peru); Montevideo (Uruguay); and Caracas (Venezuela). Based on a descriptive and exploratory approach of the research, the text shares reflections on the increasing impact of the incorporation of electric vehicles in public and individual transport. As the investigation advanced, the analysis sought to identify nuances within this theme, providing data that raise questions and project meanings in relation to the use of policies and infrastructures that are becoming reality in urban space. We hope that the reflections presented here can enrich the discussions on urban mobility as a means of mitigating environmental impacts, inspiring new research and practices.</p> Jaime Massaguer Hidalgo Junior , Eloisa Carvalho de Araujo Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 A progress of Public-Private Partnerships in São Paulo's housing policy: challenges and conflicts in accessing decent housing <p>The article aims to analyze the advancement of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in housing for social interest in the central area of São Paulo. Based on a literature review and document research, it was found that such partnerships have presented limitations in providing housing for the low-income population, leading to conflicts and displacements in strategic areas of interest to the real estate market. This facilitates investor access to housing services and allows construction companies to use urban planning tools for economic exploitation and the mobilization of public lands in the city. Housing PPPs come in a context of weakened housing policies and increased private sector involvement in public services, driven by neoliberal thinking. This situation raises questions about the effectiveness of PPPs in meeting the needs of vulnerable populations living in inadequate or deficient housing. Financing difficulties for lower-income families and the displacements carried out for new housing developments have led to the relocation of local residents and workers, some of whom have been pushed into environmentally fragile and peripheral areas. As a result, there is a growing role of the private sector in decisions regarding the production of housing for social interest, which not only fails to extend its reach to the poorest groups but also creates problems related to urban density and urban sprawl. These issues need to be addressed to promote more just and sustainable cities in their social, environmental, and economic aspects, committed to reducing inequalities, socio-spatial segregation, and promoting democratic governance in cities.</p> Rebecca Moura Moreira, Leticia Moreira Sígolo Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP): Challenges and Advances after 10 Years of Implementation <p>A decade after the implementation of the National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP), municipalities continue to face challenges in implementation. This study aimed to assess the influence of the Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (MISWMP) and proper waste disposal in the main cities of the country, in light of the National System of Information on Solid Waste Management (NSISWM). The analyzed data indicate slight advances related to what the National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) proposes, stemming from difficulties in implementing the policy itself and/or making its instruments viable, especially in cities in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. Practices such as improper waste disposal in open dumps or controlled landfills and incineration characterize the reality of Brazil, even a decade after the publication of the NSWP. Among the adopted strategies, waste recycling emerges as significant, with emphasis on composting and energy generation from biogas. There is a need for the integration of municipalities, states, and the Union to provide support for them to better exploit the potential in the generated waste, based on dominant technologies. It is also noteworthy the absence of updated data and cities' non-compliance with individual declarations in the NSISWM, regarding the provision of public solid waste management services, contradicting the policy itself and hindering the transparency of each municipality's data, making it difficult or even preventing monitoring by interested parties, civil society, and public and private entities.</p> Helder Araujo de Carvalho, João Batista Lopes , Jose Natanael Fontenele de Carvalho Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 The riverside way of life as a spatial attribute for the design practice of Amazonian housing <p>The production of social housing in the Amazon does not differ from that found in other regions of Brazil, as the lack of adequacy in the projects is a historical and ongoing issue. This essay aims to raise questions about the inadequacy of housing projects for Amazonian cities. Reference is made in this investigation to the Amazonian imaginary, the origins of local ways of living, and the results of research projects already carried out by local researchers. Non-participant observations were also conducted in urban housing areas in the city of Belém. In this sense, it was observed that there are strong indications that the closer to the original way of life of the region's inhabitants, the riverside dwellers, the less likely transformations in housing promoted by the government are to occur. In the study reports, a typological language of riverside dwelling was identified in the modifications made to these state-owned housing units, serving as a mechanism of adaptation in housing. It has been noted that there is a mismatch between the user's needs and state action/production, and understanding the symbolic communications established between people and the built space may likely be beneficial in reducing the existing imbalance between user expectations and project quality in state offerings. Therefore, rethinking the ways of designing and producing architectural living spaces from the local user's perspective is a secure path for the sustainability of the project, encompassing the development of people and space vitality.</p> Danielle Costa Guimarães, Ana Klaudia de Almeida Viana Perdigão Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Mediation of Socioenvironmental Conflict in Macrodrainage Works: The Experience of the Municipal Government of Guarujá, São Paulo State, Brazil <p>Urban growth has been correlated with substantial changes in land use, triggering socio-environmental conflicts. In Brazil, the lack of a tradition in mediating socio-environmental conflicts is evident through numerous lawsuits that often take years to reach a resolution. This study emphasized the actions taken by the Municipal Government of Guarujá (PMG) in 2022 as a tool for resolving socio-environmental conflicts without resorting to litigation. The research focused on the specific case of a macro-drainage project in the Santo Antônio neighborhood, which involved the relocation of 29 families from their homes with equivalent compensation guided by a Terms of Conduct Adjustment (TAC). This qualitative study was grounded in document analysis, a systematic literature review, and interviews with stakeholders. The study aimed to analyze how mediation techniques could contribute to resolving socio-environmental conflicts between public infrastructure projects and the local population. The research findings indicated that the PMG's initiatives were essential in creating a mediation space where, through dialogue, officials involved in the relocation process addressed the families' concerns, even amending clauses within the Comparative Data Market Method for Urban Areas, used for compensation payments, in accordance with legal instruments. This initiative led all the families involved to adhere to the negotiated terms, avoiding litigation and facilitating the project's realization.</p> Aniria Jose da Fonseca Teixeira, Andreza Portella Ribeiro, Leonardo Ferreira da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Palma Farm: characteristics of a Latvian community in the hinterland of São Paulo <p>This text discusses the architecture and daily life of Palma Farm, established from 1923 by Latvian immigrants in the district of Varpa, Tupã (SP), emphasizing the importance of both work and life pattern based on mutual aid, rooted in primitive Christianity, and propagated by the Baptist Church, shaping the overall structure. The farm was distinct from the rural environment of São Paulo at that time, dominated by coffee farming and Catholicism. The buildings were communal and constructed, wholly or partially, from wood. After a period of decline, remains of the structures, documentation, and movable assets are been restored and opened for visitation as part of Tupã's tourist itinerary. Towards documenting and analyzing its architecture and way of life, this research involves photographic and metric surveys of the remaining buildings, interviews with individuals connected to the place, and analyses primary documents and related literature, with a focus on authors such as Milia Tupes, Osvaldo Ronis, and Henrique Manoel da Silva.</p> Vladimir Benincasa, Mateus Rosada, Maria Angela Pereira de Castro e Silva Bortolucci, Kelly Cristina Magalhães Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Pathological manifestations on hospital unit facades: case study at the appointment center of the Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital, Recife - PE <p>Facades separate the internal environment from the external environment of a building, being the element that suffers most from the action of environmental agents and, therefore, requires monitoring to guarantee its performance. In this analysis and recording process, the Damage Map can be a valuable technique as it deals with a set of documents that graphically represent problems presented by construction. With the aim of expanding the applicable contexts for the Damage Map and promoting a contribution to the University of Pernambuco, the present research aimed to determine the pathological manifestations occurring on the facades of the marking center block of the Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital, Recife -PE, see the presentation of their respective Damage Maps and corrected region damage factors (FDrc). The methodology involved carrying out research into the history of the building, field inspections with the aid of a fissurometer, laser tape measure and pacometer and the application of equations to calculate the FDrc in order to have a quantitative analysis. With the development of the study, it was found that the Damage Map technique has value in helping to make decisions for the maintenance plan, that with the calculation of damage factors it is possible to evaluate the degradation in relation to the regions of the facades, with the identification of possible factor relationships, and that the most common pathological manifestations were mold, mildew and dirt.</p> Lorena Vila Bela Costa, Bruna Correia Teixeira, Eliana Cristina Barreto Monteiro, Willames de Albuquerque Soares Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Morphological Aspects and Quality of Urban Life <p>In most parts of the world, cities have undergone an accelerated process of territorial and population dispersion over the last 50 years. The demand for new quality open spaces, as a result of the urbanization model, and the environmental changes it has caused, has also contributed to the search for a better quality of life in cities. Studies on urban quality of life focus more intensely on variables linked to aspects of human development, socio-economic aspects, and sustainability, but little has been studied on the influence of urban form on quality of life. This work aims to propose a reflection on the relationship between urban form and quality of life in the city, based on a current theoretical framework. The research method focused on a qualitative analysis of the selected theoretical framework. The research findings show that based on the concepts and studies carried out, it was observed that the spatial configuration of cities and their neighborhoods contributes directly contributes to the population, by allowing more sustainable urban spaces and practices. Thus, it has been observed that urban form is not sufficiently explored in quality of life indices and indicators, being presented superficially and on a broader scale. In the same vein, some studies that relate urban form and quality of life, even at the local scale, do not detail how these relate to other urban and human aspects, which may hinder a better understanding of the impact of the built environment on urban sustainability.</p> Alexandre Augusto Bezerra da Cunha Castro, José Augusto Ribeiro da Silveira , Mauro Normando Macêdo Barros Filho, Ana Gomes Negrão Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Guidelines for selecting and monitoring soil containment in buildings in urbanized areas <p>There is a need to establish criteria for the choice and monitoring of soil containment in urban areas to ensure safety on the construction site and prevent accidents. This paper aims to establish criteria for the choice and monitoring of soil containment in urbanized regions; no containment of open slopes or dams is discussed since the main focus is the contribution to managing urban areas. The research sought to identify characteristics and define concepts in choosing and monitoring soil containments in urbanized areas. Once the criteria were established, two case studies were performed, monitoring the containment structure's horizontal and vertical displacements. The quantitative results of the research were the flowcharts of stages and criteria of choice and monitoring of soil containments in urbanized regions. It was also possible to observe the low magnitude of the displacements, which varied between 0.01 mm and 0.20 mm. It was impossible to measure the total displacement of accommodation of the structure, the safety of workers, and neighboring buildings during the excavation stage. It is concluded that the study serves as the basis for applying the criteria in different regions, contributing to the management of including from the variability of soil parameters and local practices of soil containment structures to the choice of appropriate solutions in monitoring and data collection.</p> Isaac Brugnera Stefanello, Eduardo Roberto Batiston, Marcelo Fabiano Costella Costella Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0700 UV solar radiation in Brazilian cities: A perspective to the ideal time for healthy solar exposure <p>The UV solar represents less than 10% of the total solar radiation. The main biological effects of UV are the health benefits - vitamin D synthesis, and health risks - damage to cells and DNA as erythema and skin cancer. The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between UV and global radiation in low and mid-latitudes Brazilian cities and impacts on the ideal time for exposure to vitamin D synthesis. UV radiation have been used to demonstrate the hourly and seasonal variation in João Pessoa/PB (7º S) and Florianópolis/SC (27° S). Results show a high positive correlation between global and UV radiation. In low latitude, the UV present higher differences compared with the one in mid-latitude that there was greater hourly variability. The peak of UV happened around midday (11 am to 1 pm) in both cities with a higher difference in João Pessoa. According to period that could be produce the vitamin D (SEA&gt;20°), it starts before 7 am in all seasons in João Pessoa and at 7 am in the summer and 9 am in the winter in Florianópolis. This study evaluates the periods of low and high UV and alerts to the period of sun exposure aimed at the production of vitamin D and skin damage, since the literature recommends avoiding exposure after 10 am. This investigation contributes to a better understanding of the incidence of UV and adaptations in locations with similar latitudes and climatic characteristics.</p> Lilianne de Queiroz Leal, Solange Maria Leder Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Impact of the Barrier Effect of Urban Highways on Mobility and Accessibility <p>Highways in urban areas, while facilitating traffic flow, can also pose a barrier to people's mobility in peripheral zones. Even though they expedite traffic, they can segment communities and distance them from areas with more opportunities and services. This phenomenon is known as the "barrier effect." Most current research focuses on the impacts of this barrier on mobility, especially concerning non-motorized transportation. Thus, the purpose of this study was to analyze how the barrier effect of an urban highway influences the transportation choices of the population living nearby, as well as the consequences for urban mobility and accessibility. The investigation relied on local household survey data, addressing travel patterns and socioeconomic aspects. Additionally, it included census information, thematic map production, and correlational analysis. Findings revealed that areas with multiple urban crossings tend to foster more travel, especially in higher-income areas where private motor vehicles prevail. In contrast, areas with limited crossings typically house lower-income communities with fewer trips. These areas, being further away from employment centers and services, have shorter trips, often made on foot or by bicycle, or with heavy use of public transportation, such as buses.</p> Thiago Botion Neri, Carlos Alberto Prado da Silva Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Walking and expressing the city collectively, a teaching-learning experience in the Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism <p>The article experiments with methodologies for apprehending and cognizing city spaces. It shares the development of a discipline in the Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) with the theoretical-methodological discussion complemented by the practice of Wandering and Cartography in a common space in the neighborhood of Vila Colonial in the city of Bauru, SP. It distances itself from the traditional representational methods of reading the city and approaches to those that express the subjective city, the traversal through the affections of bodies and environments in order to make existential territories visible and thus think about and build a city for and with the people who inhabit the place. In this methodological procedure of wandering, it recognizes the resistance to the functionalist and productivist city and expresses, through affective cartographies, which are still in the process of construction, a visual language, as a research tool that makes it possible to report on the real city.</p> Hélio Hirao , Carolina Silva Tarocchi , Marina Biazotto Frascareli Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 The multidimensional nature of the Environmental Contribution for environmental qualification in São Paulo <p>This paper describes the conception of the Environmental Contribution instrument in the municipality of São Paulo, with the aim of exploring the multidimensional nature of this instrument, namely: its potential to promote improvements in the city's drainage system, microclimate conditions and biodiversity, as well as encouraging the development of sustainable buildings through certification and promoting environmental quality in the densification process. It also takes stock of the implementation of the instrument in the city of São Paulo between 2016 and 2023, through the project approval reports from the Municipal Urban Planning and Licensing Department (UPLD). In this context, the multidimensional nature of the instrument and its high potential to promote improvements in the city's environmental quality and to contribute to São Paulo's adaptation to the impact of climate change are proven. At the same time, the instrument's scope is limited, and it urgently needs to be improved so that the Environmental Contribution has a wider reach in the territory and is consequently more effective in improving the city's environmental quality.</p> Daniel Todtmann Montandon, Pamella Tosti Rosante Martins Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Solid Waste in Urban Areas: A Multidimensional Statistical Approach on Irregular Disposal and Burning in the Municipality of Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais <p>The improper disposal of urban waste is a global concern, especially in large cities considering aspects of environmental and visual pollution. This study provides a detailed analysis of the municipality of Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, identifying local nuances and a better understanding of this issue to support decisions for corrective actions. It assesses the persistence and incidence of waste burning at irregular disposal sites in the municipality, emphasizing its environmental and health impacts. This work utilized a combined approach of georeferenced mapping with Google Earth Pro images, complemented by in-situ checks with GPS devices. The statistical analysis of the collected data was performed using the PSPP software. Statistical analyses were supported by contingency tables, the application of the chi-square test, Phi, Cramer's V, and Odds Ratio, evaluating the characteristics of the associations. A strong association was identified between the persistent disposal of solid waste in undeveloped areas and the presence of tree pruning and gardening waste. The research also demonstrated a significant association of areas with signs of burning that were located in public spaces. Additionally, a significant statistical association was confirmed at sites where paper and plastic disposals and burning were identified. This research expands the understanding of disposal practices in urban contexts and provides a replicable model of combined georeferenced analysis with physical checks, in addition to the risks to public health and the environment. The results obtained demonstrate direct implications for waste management policies, raising awareness of the consequences of improper disposal and burning.</p> Arthur Campos Coelho, Alexandre Sylvio Vieira da Costa Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Sun, 14 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Public Space: Appropriation and Valuation in the Historic Center of Cuiabá <p>In 2017, through local public policies, an intervention program was implemented in squares in Cuiabá-MT, this program included the requalification of the main squares in the city's historic center. Using the two largest and most central examples as objects of study—Alencastro Square and Ipiranga Square—this essay aimed to understand the extent to which these squares, through their physical attributes, contributed to their appropriation as public spaces within the historical center of Cuiabá. With this intention, the research took on a practical nature through a case study of multiple units of analysis, selecting the historical center as the case study, and the two squares as distinct units of analysis. Issues such as the meaning of public space, and its role in the appropriation and valorization of historical centers were addressed in the theoretical review. Through the conduct of technical visits to these units, surveying and contrasting their physical aspects with the levels of appropriation observed, it was concluded that their physical attributes and central location revealed themselves as inducers of appropriation. However, differences in the conservation of these spaces showed that their potentials for sociability are impaired, resulting in less sense of belonging and consequent lower valuation of local identity.</p> Joel Marcos Gatto, Daniel Silva Campos, Livia Maschio Fioravanti, Jeane Aparecida Rombi de Godoy Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700