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Berg, Isabela Cristina de Assis, Ph.D. in Architecture and Urbanism, UFMG, Brazil.
Bernardes, Brenda Melo
Bernardes Silva, Gabriela
Bernardo, Cristiane Hengler Corrêa
Bernardo, Roberto
Bertaluci, Gabriela Luiza Leismann , Master’s Student, Atitus Educação, Brasil.
Bertini, Isabelle Teixeira, Mestre em Geografia, UEL, Brasil.
Bertoncello, Alexandre Godinho
Bertoni, Amanda Schüler, PhD Professor, UDESC, Brazil
Bertoni, Isabela Casalecchi, Master student, PPGARQ/UNESP, Brasil
Bertuluci, Gabriela de Oliveira
Bessa, Eliane
Bessa, Eliane Ribeiro de Almeida da Silva
Betânia Moreira Amador, Maria
Beux, Fernanda Christine
Bevilaqua, Bruna Cristina , Master’s degree student, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo, IAU-USP
Bevilaqua, Bruna Cristina, Master’s degree student, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo, IAU-USP, Brazil.
Bezerra, Barbara Stolte
Bezerra, Barbara Stolte
Bezerra, Letícia Gabriele da Silva, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte/Mestranda
Bezerra, Maria do Carmo de Lima , PhD Professor, UnB
Bezerra, Onilda Gomes, Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism, UFPE, Brazil.
Bezerra, Pamela Fernanda Rodrigues, Masters in Territorial Development and Planning, PUC Goiás, Brazil
Bianchi, Gislaine
Biernath, Karla Garcia

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