The South Korean workforce at Cumbuco beach and its socioeconomic implications


  • Sharles Rennan do Nascimento Duarte Graduando em Turismo, IFCE, Brasil
  • Susana Dantas Coelho Professora Doutora, IFCE, Brasil
  • Antonio Cavalcante de Almeida Professor Doutor, IFCE, Brasil
  • Júlio César Ferreira Lima Professor Doutor, IFCE, Brasil
  • Lucas Fernandes Comaru Especialista em Turismo Sustentável, IFCE, Brasil



Immigration, Interculturality., Socioeconomic impacts


As global labor flows continue to reshape social dynamics, understanding how local communities respond is essential. In the Northeast of Brazil, especially in Ceará, the insertion of immigrants occurs through investment policies involving national capital mixed with foreign capital. The tourist destination beach called Cumbuco, known for its natural beauty and environment conducive to water sports, is a model of interaction between South Korean immigrants and local residents. Pecém Steel Company (CSP) boosted economic growth, increasing state competitiveness and improving public services through tax collection. South Koreans settled in different types of housing, adapting them to their needs, taking advantage of the tourist relevance and proximity to the Pecém Industrial and Port Complex (CIPP) and to Fortaleza city. This study explored the socioeconomic impacts of the presence of South Korean immigrants in Cumbuco beach. The specific objectives from the research were determining the commercial dynamics between South Korean immigrants and local residents; specifying cultural influences of immigrants on the local community; and highlighting visual impacts arising from these immigrants who become part of local daily life. Methods included direct observation, interviews with local and South Korean traders, photographic analysis and literature review. It was identified that interactions boosted commercial innovation and collaborations between groups. Cultural diversity has enriched Cumbuco beach, reflected in local cuisine, music and arts. Although it has generated challenges such as adaptation to South Korean culture.


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How to Cite

DUARTE, Sharles Rennan do Nascimento; COELHO, Susana Dantas; ALMEIDA, Antonio Cavalcante de; LIMA, Júlio César Ferreira; COMARU, Lucas Fernandes. The South Korean workforce at Cumbuco beach and its socioeconomic implications. Technical and Scientific Journal Green Cities, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 37, 2024. DOI: 10.17271/23178604123720245415. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 feb. 2025.