Urban Forms and Regional Tension

The Influence of the Global Integration of Cities on the Direction of Growth


  • Izabele Colusso Professora do Mestrado em Design Estratégico, UNISINOS, Brasil.
  • Janquiel Lessa Florencio Rodriguez Acadêmico de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, UNISINOS, Brasil.
  • Luísa Denardi Acadêmica de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, UNISINOS Brasil.
  • Maria Dupont Schwingel Acadêmica de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, UNISINOS, Brasil.
  • Bianca Gass Walter Acadêmica de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, UNISINOS, Brasil.




Regional tension, Centrality, Urban form


This article aims to demonstrate the application of the concepts presented in the research “Urban Forms and Regional Tension: The Influence of the Global Integration of Cities in the Direction of Growth”, applied here in the Metropolitan Region of Serra Gaúcha (RMSG), RS-Brazil, demonstrating the influence that regional systems exert on urban forms. The Region studied is composed of 14 municipalities that present different urban forms, through this research it was illustrated that these forms are the result of the regional tensions exerted by each city, due to its positioning in the territory, this study can help in the understanding of the whole process development of a city and region, as well as the relationship between growth and proportion, which may result in compact or dispersed cities. This study is guided through a methodological guide, which, through data collection and construction of maps and calculations, can provide a useful tool to study and analyze the influence of regional spatial effects in cities, in addition to contributing to the realization of studies. The analysis of metropolitan regions is necessary for understanding the factors that contribute to their formation, in addition to presenting potential auxiliary results for the development of the region.


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How to Cite

COLUSSO, Izabele; RODRIGUEZ, Janquiel Lessa Florencio; DENARDI, Luísa; SCHWINGEL, Maria Dupont; WALTER, Bianca Gass. Urban Forms and Regional Tension: The Influence of the Global Integration of Cities on the Direction of Growth. Technical and Scientific Journal Green Cities, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 38, 2024. DOI: 10.17271/23178604123820245441. Disponível em: https://publicacoes.amigosdanatureza.org.br/index.php/cidades_verdes/article/view/5441. Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.