Manoel Bonito Square in Araguari (MG): The cultural significance of a modern square and the demand for its preservation


  • João Paulo Campos Peixoto



The present work seeks to demonstrate the cultural significance of modern landscaping through Manoel Bonito Square, in the city of Araguari (MG). The history of this public free space is recovered as a fundamental element of the city's history. Manoel Bonito Square is historically the most important public space in the urban layout in the city of Araguari. Although the uses and appropriation have decreased and the role of the square as a leisure space has been transformed, its value is still latent for the population that sees it as a place of affection and memory. In addition, Manoel Bonito Square is a project of the architect João Jorge Coury, who stands out, as from the 1950s, as a diffuser of modern architecture in the region of Central Brazil. This work aims, therefore, to recognize the value of the square as a modern design and document of an important historical period in Brazilian architecture, with the final purpose of stimulating its preservation.



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Biografia do Autor

  • João Paulo Campos Peixoto



Como Citar

PEIXOTO, João Paulo Campos. Manoel Bonito Square in Araguari (MG): The cultural significance of a modern square and the demand for its preservation. Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades , [S. l.], v. 8, n. 68, 2020. DOI: 10.17271/2318847286820202725. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.