Smart mobility and sustainability: a bibliometric analysis


  • Tatiane Borchers Doctoral candidate, UFSCar, Brazil
  • Victor Garcia Figueirôa-Ferreira Doctoral candidate, UFSCar, Brazil
  • Ricardo Augusto Souza Fernandes Professor Doctor, UFSCar, Brazil



Bibliometrics. Smart Cities. Smart Environment. Smart Mobility. Sustainability.


At the end of the 1980s, sustainability became a focus of attention worldwide. More recently, with the consolidation of researches and implementations of smart cities, characteristics that permeate this concept were also studied in greater depth, in terms of smart mobility and smart environment. This study seeks to make a bibliometric analysis on smart mobility and sustainability. The results found show that the researches in this area are recent, with less than a decade of publication, in which Europe concentrates the largest percentage of participation in number of publications and citations, and the main subject addressed in the most cited works is the questioning of the connection between smart cities, smart mobility and sustainability. The map of keywords presents research gaps, which represent opportunities of scientific contribution for future studies.


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Como Citar

BORCHERS, Tatiane; FIGUEIRÔA-FERREIRA, Victor Garcia; FERNANDES, Ricardo Augusto Souza. Smart mobility and sustainability: a bibliometric analysis . Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades , [S. l.], v. 10, n. 80, 2022. DOI: 10.17271/23188472108020223345. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 fev. 2025.