The multidimensional nature of the Environmental Contribution for environmental qualification in São Paulo


  • Daniel Todtmann Montandon Director of Architecture, Urbanism and Design at Nove de Julho University - UNINOVE
  • Pamella Tosti Rosante Martins Architect and urban planner, collaborating professor in the Specialization Course in Real Estate Legalization and Project Approval and master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Smart and Sustainable Cities at UNINOVE.



Environmental Contribution, Zoning, São Paulo


This paper describes the conception of the Environmental Contribution instrument in the municipality of São Paulo, with the aim of exploring the multidimensional nature of this instrument, namely: its potential to promote improvements in the city's drainage system, microclimate conditions and biodiversity, as well as encouraging the development of sustainable buildings through certification and promoting environmental quality in the densification process. It also takes stock of the implementation of the instrument in the city of São Paulo between 2016 and 2023, through the project approval reports from the Municipal Urban Planning and Licensing Department (UPLD). In this context, the multidimensional nature of the instrument and its high potential to promote improvements in the city's environmental quality and to contribute to São Paulo's adaptation to the impact of climate change are proven. At the same time, the instrument's scope is limited, and it urgently needs to be improved so that the Environmental Contribution has a wider reach in the territory and is consequently more effective in improving the city's environmental quality.


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Como Citar

Montandon, D. T., & Martins, P. T. R. (2024). The multidimensional nature of the Environmental Contribution for environmental qualification in São Paulo. Revista Nacional De Gerenciamento De Cidades, 12(85).