Structural performance of expanded polystyrene panels as an alternative building system




Single lightweight panels of expanded polystyrene (EPS), known as sandwich EPS panels, or simply EPS panels, have emerged as a building system that complemented the conventional one. In this context, this study develops an architectural and structural design for a residence with sandwich EPS panels as a building system. To set the features of the project, we chose a plot in the city of Petrolina-PE and used the SAP2000 software for the structural modeling to establish the efforts to which the walls would be subjected. The structural elements were dimensioned based on the NBR6118:2014 and the crack opening was verified according to the NBR11173:1990. Due to the small overlapping of the walls in the architectural design, the building system needed to be integrated into EPS with beams and pillars of reinforced concrete. Most of the pillars presented minimum reinforcement, while the slabs showed a reinforced lattice beam pattern. In turn, the beams presented dimensions and robust reinforcements due to the higher values of the bending moments obtained. Despite the satisfactory results, further studies should investigate this building system, as well as the national standardization and implementation of specific modeling programs.


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SILVA, Maurício Macedo da; LIMA, Douglas Mateus de; SILVA, Luccas André Felix; MEDEIROS, Iálysson da Silva. Structural performance of expanded polystyrene panels as an alternative building system. National Journal of City Management, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 83, 2023. DOI: 10.17271/23188472118320233543. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.