Urban morphology and dynamics with local climate zones in Cuiabá-MT


  • Diana Carolina Jesus de Paula PhD, UNIVAG, Brazil.
  • Flávia Maria de Moura Santos PhD, UFMT, Brazil.
  • Natallia Sanches e Souza PhD, UNIVAG, Brazil.
  • Fernanda Miguel Franco PhD, IFMT, Brazil.
  • Fabio Friol Guedes de Paiva PhD, UNIVAG, Brazil.




local climate zones, urban heat island, urban planning


It is known that it will be in urban areas that extreme events such as heat waves will occur more intensely as a consequence of climate change, resulting in heat islands. Such events will be more challenging in developing countries with a tropical climate. Urban heat islands at night in the city of Cuiabá-MT have already been identified by several researchers, including increased intensity, therefore the objective of this study was to apply the local climate zones (LCZs) classification system, which aims to classify on a scale local morphology and urban texture, relating it to the thermal field during the years 2011, 2016 and 2019, in order to corroborate the monitoring of the effects of climate change in cities with a tropical climate.


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How to Cite

Urban morphology and dynamics with local climate zones in Cuiabá-MT. (2024). National Journal of City Management, 12(86). https://doi.org/10.17271/23188472128620245154