Urban Expansion Area of Social Interest in Londrina

An adequate response to the housing deficit?


  • Isabelle Teixeira Bertini Doutoranda em Geografia, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil. Bolsista CNPq
  • Nathalia Moraes Marcolin Mestranda em Geografia, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil. Bolsista CAPES
  • Ideni Terezinha Antonello Prof.ª Dr.ª Associada Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil. Pesquisadora CNPq - Bolsista de produtividade em Pesquisa 2
  • Leia Aparecida Veiga Prof.ª Dr.ª no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia (mestrado/doutorado) Universidade Estadual de Londrina-UEL.




Land Use and Occupation Law, Municipal Master Plan, Social Interest Housing


This article proposes an analysis on the paths that public management intends to define for social interest housing in Londrina - PR, based on the Municipal Master Plan (2022), with particular focus on Bill No. 143/2023, concerning the Land Use and Occupation Law, responsible for defining the areas of ZEIS/AEIS, as well as Municipal Law No. 13.718/2023, which addresses the Territorial Division of the Municipality, and created the Urban Expansion Area of Social Interest. To achieve this objective, the study intends, through the method of document analysis, to investigate the possible changes from the initial proposal of the Draft Bill by the Institute of Urban Research and Planning of Londrina (IPPUL) in 2022, considering the modifications introduced during the ongoing public hearings in 2024. The article is divided into two parts: a general analysis of the importance of the City Statute (2001) and its instruments for democratic urban management, followed by a specific analysis of the situation in Londrina. It is concluded that the initial proposal by IPPUL aimed to occupy urban voids and promote inclusive zoning; however, the changes proposed by COHAB-LD, through the inclusion of social interest urban expansion areas, which were not initially foreseen, suggest a modification of the original project, favoring the perpetuation of a model of social housing in peripheral areas, increasing urban voids and real estate speculation, resulting in the intensification of inequalities and territorial segregation.


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How to Cite

BERTINI, Isabelle Teixeira; MARCOLIN, Nathalia Moraes; ANTONELLO, Ideni Terezinha; VEIGA, Leia Aparecida. Urban Expansion Area of Social Interest in Londrina: An adequate response to the housing deficit?. National Journal of City Management, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 86, 2024. DOI: 10.17271/23188472128620245320. Disponível em: https://publicacoes.amigosdanatureza.org.br/index.php/gerenciamento_de_cidades/article/view/5320. Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.