Urban contrasts in access to sanitation services in substandard agglomerations: the case of ``Lagoa Azul`` 2 Community in Jacareí-SP





Basic Sanitation, Sanitation Services, Subnormal agglomerations


The objective of this study is to analyze the scenario of sanitation services in subnormal agglomerations, taking as a study case the Community: ``Lagoa Azul`` 2, located in the Municipality of Jacareí-SP. The investigation presents updated data on the collection and treatment of waste water, the panorama of subnormal agglomerations and the precariousness of sanitation services in areas characterized by vulnerable conditions in the housing infrastructure. A dialectical approach and a methodological procedure based on the strategy of indirect documentation in statistical sources originating from government agencies were adopted, in addition to a bibliographical review. The data revealed the challenges faced by residents of this agglomeration regarding access and the quality of sanitation services and revealed that the increase in the number of subnormal agglomerations in Brazil is a worrying trend, related to the lack of access to a decent housing. The results of this study contribute to the understanding of social disparities, shedding light on basic sanitation conditions in peripheral communities and offering subsidies that can guide efforts aimed at improving actions that promote the overcoming of these difficulties.


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How to Cite

Urban contrasts in access to sanitation services in substandard agglomerations: the case of ``Lagoa Azul`` 2 Community in Jacareí-SP. (2024). National Journal of City Management, 12(86). https://doi.org/10.17271/23188472128620244848