Publication Fee

Notice on Editing and Erratum Fees

We inform you that, due to the maintenance costs of the journal (editing, DOI registration, and hosting), an Editing Fee will only be charged in cases where the article is accepted or accepted with revisions, as per the options below:

Editing Fee:

  • Normal Flow: R$ 1,000.00 (up to 180 business days or according to the publication queue).

Erratum Fee:

  • Amount: R$ 100.00.

Payment Methods:

  1. Bank Deposit:
    Deposits should be made at any Caixa Econômica Federal branch or Lottery Agencies on behalf of the Associação Amigos da Natureza da Alta Paulista.

    • CNPJ: 05.877.406/0001-70
    • Agency: 0362
    • Operation: 003
    • Checking Account: 001722-5
  2. PIX:
    Use the key CNPJ: 05.877.406/0001-70.

After making the payment, the deposit or transfer receipt must be sent to the email to validate the editing fee.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.