Study of morphometry and land coverage to help urban planning in Barbosa and Barbosinha Brooks watershed, Lins - SP


  • Isadora Vitali Lobo M.Sc. Student, Civil Engineering Post-Graduation Program, UNESP
  • César Gustavo da Rocha Lima PhD, Civil Engineering Post-Graduation Program, UNESP
  • José Augusto Di Lollo Full Professor, Civil Engineering Post-Graduation Program, UNESP



Geographic information system, urbanization, floods.


Urbanization in hydrographic basins promotes changes in the hydrological cycle through the impermealized areas. Not only surface runoff is increased, reducing infiltration, but also the susceptibility to extreme hydrological events. The objective of this study is to analyze the natural susceptibility of Córregos Barbosa e Barbosinha (Barbosa and Barbosinha Brooks) watershed to flooding. Morphometric parameters of land use and occupation were analyzed, in order to subsidize management and planning in an area of urban expansion. The analysis of land use and occupation was based on the supervised classification method of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager sensor (OLI) satellite images dated 1990, 2006 and 2020. Morphometric indices were calculated using the SPRING 5.4.3 software and a SRTM image with a spatial resolution of 30 meters. The results indicate that the natural susceptibility to flooding of the study area is medium to high, and can be intensified by the dynamics of land use and occupation and increasing impervious areas in the basin. Over the period of study, the growth of impervious areas was 133% relative to 1990.


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Como Citar

LOBO, Isadora Vitali; LIMA, César Gustavo da Rocha; LOLLO , José Augusto Di. Study of morphometry and land coverage to help urban planning in Barbosa and Barbosinha Brooks watershed, Lins - SP. Periódico Eletrônico Fórum Ambiental da Alta Paulista, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 6, 2021. DOI: 10.17271/1980082717620213070. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 fev. 2025.